Wednesday, May 25, 2016


We have just wrapped up our printmaking unit! Students made 3 types of prints in class: a monoprint, a relief print, and a collagraph. Our monoprint was made by using shaving cream and liquid watercolor to create a bright, warm or cool image. Students used this as a background for their relief print, which was printed in black ink. Students designed their relief print using shape and symmetry on a linoleum block.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Identity Maps-Watercolor

We have recently wrapped up our summative watercolor project, called "identity maps". Students learned to express aspects of themselves using an imaginary map and paint as their vehicle. They created an island with 8 or more land or water features named for aspects of their identity. We began our unit by dyeing watercolor paper with tea to make it look old. Students then learned how to watercolor using 3 main watercolor washes (flat, gradual, and transitional). Details were achieved by using very small, fine, details brushes. Take a look at the amazing detail that these creative sixth graders were able to achieve!